It's the thought that counts...

i have recently crossed a youtube channel or youtuber.. where she talks about slow paced and intentional living. 

slow paced sound so rural, i probably am daydreaming of my own farmhouse or something, but i like the idea of it (i just don't know if it's for me with actual farming..) but in the future, we'll never know, right?

morning routines are crucial for me, i guess this is my own version of slow paced life, i start with slow mornings. For me, I usually have my coffee and my podcasts or whoever i am following over youtube. I know it's not really good to have a cellphone when you wake up, I am fighting myself against that, but as of the moment, it's where I am at. 

i also start with some cleaning and if i ever remember my pilates, i do 30 minutes of it in the morning. I honestly love it because it shakes up all parts of your body, like you feel every good..i guess i am not over pushing myself with physical fitness this time, i feel like i have too much on my plate that i can't dwell on to one time too much, but physical health is super important!

and how can i forget about my plants? 

anyway, going back to the title of this blog, "it's the thought that counts" i wanted to share this because it's being taken for granted or overlooked, the thought or the intention behind our actions on what we do or create for ourselves or other people.

can we honestly say or measure the thought or the effort that goes into making or creating something? What if my end product was not as good as the other one but I did my best? Would that make me less than the other person? i am also asking this because sometimes we judge someone based of the end product, but we overlook the process or the intention behind it. 

what is the intention behind an action?

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Maya Angelou

This quote resonates so much where the most impact we can give to someone is how we make them feel. Nevertheless even if we were eloquent, never mind if we were right and they were wrong, no matter how we were logical or self righteous, in the end, what will remain of you is how you make the other person feel. 

So i guess my intentional living starts with how do i want to my life to feel? How do i want my day to feel like? How do i want to be remembered? What kind of environment I want to create? But at the same time, I also want to honor my feelings where i am able to do good and similarly i feel good doing it. 

For me, how i feel is so important because it's my compass for where i want to be in my life, how i want it to unfold. 

How about you? Do you set intentions with your life?


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