A peace of me...


Peace is such a simple yet profound word. Is it something that we aspire individually or is it a collective word where our own peace affects another? 

I was just thinking about this word because i recently went to Zamboanga to attend the 1st Mindanao Peace and Development Security Conference. And although I have come to enjoy the comforts of my own hometown where i thought issues and concerns are manageable, i forgot to remember that there is a much wider world that have more complex issues.

As they say peace and development are intertwined and must be done simultaneously. There is no peace without development and vice versa. And to quote one of my favorite author Tony Robbins, "Progress equals Happiness."

Although peace and happiness are not the same but come to think of it, if you are peaceful, you are also happy. And i believe that we are always making progress because we have a goal, and that gives us peace, it gives us happiness.

When there is progress in our own lives, there is a different level of high, once a goal is achieved or being achieved, we unlock something in ourselves and i think it is also true in achieving peace. 

There were so many participants like almost 200 from all over Mindanao from government, business sector and all others. I feel hopeful because slowly we are achieving it, i mean it is not perfect but there is progress. Personally i saw it in the number of investments, new hotels, buildings in the city. Although it is not enough because there are other factors such as cultural differences, land disputes, food insecurity, climate change among others, the fact that we are able to live together in harmony, is quite amazing. 

Even the military can attest that previous individuals who were against government are also tired. They too want peace. And so in fact so many areas in Mindanao are open for tourists because after all, no man should be an island. 

Government is far from perfect, please, i don't need your sermon. But it is trying and doing its best. By addressing issues and concerns, and truly hear each other out, and finding ways to find a middle ground, then there can be true peace. 

I am hopeful and will remain to be...


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